Great product. Boost root zone vigor and save money. Comprehensive inoculant package to aid fruiting and flowering plants with all your necessary beneficial bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi and humic acids offer a huge advantage for colonizing the root zone. The solution can be sprinkled on the roots during transplanting to help prevent shock (it's not a bad idea to fill a salt or sugar shaker to quickly dust roots when transplanting). It can also be watered in as a concentrated solution, or watered in as a top dressing. When applying hydroponically, make a concentrated solution in a gallon or two of water, and just drench each plant at the base and root zone.
Roots Organics OregonismXL root growth enhancer helps to increase nutrient availability and uptake, encourages vigorous root systems, and helps container grown plants to resist stress. OregonismXL increases root mass and size by colonizing the root system with symbiotic fungi and bacteria. The fungi extend their network into the surrounding plant rhizosphere, massively increasing plants’ ability to uptake water and vital nutrients. Increased root surface area and enhanced nutrient uptake help to boost plant productivity and yield. Roots Organics OregonismXL is a custom blend of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), with Bacillus bacteria, Pseudomonas bacteria, and humic acid. OregonismXL’s fungi and bacteria are specifically selected for tolerance to environmental extremes.
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